Carers Course

Easy to use entry level training for the care sector.

Essential knowledge aligned with the Certificate III in Individual Support CHC33021.

What's in the course

Caring isn’t just making cups of tea, there is a lot to know to get started on the right track.

  • 10 modules for early employment training, staff investment and retention.
  • Specific language and needs for entry level care, only relevant lingo is used.
  • Includes ethics and communication needs, uses workplace contexts, applications and scenarios.
  • Online and accessible. Modules can go onto a workplace LMS or students can be enrolled onto an existing learning space.
  • Great way to invest in staff and use as focus pieces for discussions or further face-to-face support.
  • Pathway program for the Certificate III in Individual Support CHC33021.
  • Contact us to learn more:

Staff qualifications and skills

Age care reforms applying to providers from 1 December 2023.

The new responsibility – Organisations need competent and experienced staff to provide quality care and services. Providers have to give their workforce professional development opportunities.

All aged care providers MUST give their workforce up to date training and professional development opportunities.

Special Licence Offer!

We are currently offering our care course and care microskills modules to organisations for a simple licence fee (discounted rate).

This will allow you to offer training to anyone in the organisation including carers, home carers, care assistants, volunteers or anyone who could benefit from this care training, without paying for each person who takes the training.

If you would like to know about the licence fee for your organisation just fill out the form and we can send the information.

Course modules

Click the module heading to find out more.

Models and processes underpinning communicating in the care sector, including:

  • rights based approaches
  • person centred practice
  • consumer directed care
  • strengths based and active support
  • empowerment and disempowerment
  • palliative approach.

Communicating techniques to help healthy communication and avoid potential conflict, including:

  • strategies for effective interpersonal communication
  • difference between motivational interviewing and coercive approach
  • difference between collaboration and confrontation
  • non-verbal communication cues When and how to use and recognise non-verbal communication 
  • group processes and dynamics
  • open ended questions, affirmations, reflections and summaries.
  • Influences on communication, cross-cultural communication protocols, the importance of grammar, speed and pronunciation for verbal communication
  • Communication strategies to build trust, show empathy, demonstrate support and empower the person, family, carers and/or significant others.
  • Influences on communication, cross-cultural communication protocols, the importance of grammar, speed and pronunciation for verbal communication
  • Communication strategies to build trust, show empathy, demonstrate support and empower the person, family, carers and/or significant others.

This module explores the relationship between the types of legal and ethical issues that are raised in the workplace and the ways to respond to these. It lists sources of information and support. This is closely aligned with HR procedures.

This module covers essential knowledge aligned with Australian legal requirements for working within a legal and ethical framework with regards to discrimination and diversity. It touches on bias and cultural safety. 

This module covers the theory underpinning human needs and how this may work in practice. It looks at what health and wellbeing is and how to promote when working in care.

This module teaches knowledge essential for understanding different roles and how the roles support people to work together in the care sector.

This module teaches essential guidelines for hygiene and prevention of infections in the care sector. It follows Australian guidelines and gives real life case studies following best practices.

This module teaches theoretical knowledge for the practice of providing individualised support. This includes following a plan for bathing and hygiene, manual handling and using assistive technologies. Note, this is theory not practice.

This module teaches basic body systems and associated components. This includes common conditions and indications of aging and ability. This touches on how and when to report changes.

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Contact us today

To discuss how our care course modules can help address your training requirements.

Call +61 0432 284 559


What are your pain points?

  1. Training and compliance – Training modules are mapped to theoretical components of the Certificate III Individual Support and are designed to meet and exceed industry regulations and compliance standards. 
  2. Easy to progress and finish the course – Short courses chunks the learning into bite sized pieces that are quick to complete (1 hour per module) and can be marked for training progression.
  3. Staff retention and investment – Investing in staff helps develop loyalty and retain important people that are needed to work in the care sector.
  4. Improved HR recruitment and onboarding – Short, specific modules help improve screening and onboarding. Both the staff and the organisation will know that this is the journey they want to be on. 
  5. Flexible training and availability – Course modules can be integrated into your LMS or training system, so you control the access and reporting. This helps with any information and privacy concerns.
Improve the quality of your caring staff by investing time in training, develop loyalty, and ultimately enhance the wellbeing of the people we care for.

Benefits of our care training

There are many benefits to investing in aged care training for your workers, including:

    • Improved quality of care: Well-trained workers are better equipped to provide high-quality care to your residents
    • Enhanced reputation: Demonstrate your commitment to excellence in aged care, earning trust from clients and stakeholders.
    • Reduced risk of accidents and injuries: Properly trained workers are less likely to make mistakes that could lead to accidents and injuries.
    • Increased staff satisfaction and retention: Workers who feel valued and supported are more likely to be satisfied with their jobs and stay with your organization for the long term.
    • Boosted productivity and efficiency: Trained workers are more efficient and productive, which can save your organization money in the long run.
Expert Faculty

Our courses are designed and developed by education and care professionals.

Learn at Your Own Pace

Access courses online anytime, anywhere, and at your own pace.

Proven Results

Join individuals and companies that have transformed their personal and professional lives through upskilling and personal development.